
By causing the buy you to recognize and concur that the products are custom tailored, and made explicitly for you, they are hand crafted merchandise and are created solely after clients buy has been made and affirmed. Before clients’ buy, no supply of the bought merchandise exists.

You have 24 hours to change a customer’s size, color, quantity, or shipping address after they have made a purchase. Customers’ orders will go into production after this time, and we won’t be able to change them for you.

Kindly send an email to with definite data as beneath:

Subject: Change or cancel the order by entering the customer’s order number (which can be found in the order confirmation email after placing the order) and specifying the desired changes (size, color, quantity, and shipping address).

Within 24 to 48 hours, we will respond to customers’ emails.

Customers no longer have the right to make changes or cancel their orders after the 24 hours have passed and the purchase has gone into production. You cannot cancel an order or return purchased goods unless they are defective, and all orders are final.